Home / Information about Disc Golf / Playing in tournament
Below on this page, you will find information that will help prepare yourself for the big day.
Information on how to sign-up, the scoring procedures and the customary environmental stewardship expected of you during tournament play is all explained below. An introduction to disc golf courtesy and the use of common sense will serve as a good guide and get you through a tournament in good standing.
Disc golf like most sports, operates with a set of rules designed to ensure fairness and equality. One should familiarize themselves with an introduction to the rules as they learn to play.
Sign-up Procedures :
1. When you register you will be asked to fill out and sign your Player I.D. Card. That card remains with the T.D. (Tournament Director), and he will place it on the scoreboard to indicate what hole number you will start your round on.
2. You will also receive a score card. Please write your full name on the card...your buddies may know you as ' Rocky ' but the T.D. doesn't. Your score will be entered on this card after each completed hole. At the end of each round you procede to the scoreboard and turn your card in to the T.D. It is important that you write your accumulative numeric total , not +(6) or -(2) but the true score. For example (55). Then leave your scorecard in the slot behind your player I.D. card on the scoreboard.
3. The T.D. then reorganizes the scoreboard for the 2nd round, in an order that reflects the players performance. You will then see what hole you start on for the 2nd round. Grab your card and go to your hole.
4. After the 2nd round you repeat the process like you did in the first round but this time you also add up your 2 round totals and then write in your final Total box.
5. You must always leave your scorecard in the supplied box by the scoreboard after you've written in your final score so we can verify your score and use it later for statistics.
During play, always 'keep an eye' on all shots in your group and pay attention to your surrounding.
This is important for your's and other players safety. It will also help the flow of the round with fewer lost discs and help keep the tournament on schedule.
Scoring your round :
In the interest of fair play , you must exchange your scorecard with someone in your group. You will keep score on their card and they will keep score on your card.
After each hole is completed, you ask them what their score is and write it down neatly on the indicated hole # box. They do the same for you. When the round is over, you total the card for the player and give it back to them. They do the same for you.
You and you only are responsible for the score written on your card, so double check it, get the players in your group to double check it, and then write it on your scoreboard player I.D. Card. Any miscalculations are penalized. 2 strokes are added to your real score.
Always write in your full name ( not nic-names ), division and scores clearly on your scorecard. This saves the T.D. valuable time and helps keep the event on schedule. Bring your own writing instrument.
A fine 'Sharpie' is recommended.
Introducing Discgolf Tournament for new comers :
Discgolf has a long tradition of welcoming new-comers to the sport, and experienced players always are enthusiastic to help new players along with the rules, discs or throwing techniques.
You can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere and a great day outside.
Dress appropriately for a long and comfortable day, and bring some snacks, water and refreshments.
Always watch all the shots in your group, this will help find the discs and speed up play.
Stay on the trails as much as possible and try to avoid treading on fragile plant life.
Do not purposely break branches, they are natural obstacles and part of the game. Penalties will be given.
Once a disc appears to be lost, everyone in the group must help search for it. You have 3 minutes to find it. If it is not found, you must re-throw from where you last threw the errant shot ( as close as possible). A one stroke penalty applies.
As you play the course, always keep an eye on other fairways and other groups to avoid getting hit by a disc.
The terrain is quite uneven so please walk carefully to avoid injury
Do not litter, use the garbage bins please